[Heron Michelle is] announcing from the mountain her clear-eyed vision of witchcraft’s future—that it does not get stuck in the concrete of traditional forms and practices. It reaches far into the vast unknown and helps you conjure up your authentic self. It evokes the deepest resources of the mind, the body and the spirit and helps you to know that every action you take has meaning. She gives permission to find spirit in the ordinary. And when we go looking for it right here under own own feet, we discover like Dorothy who eventually finds she’s been on the farm all along: there’s no place like home.
— Timothy Roderick, June 2021, Los Angeles Author of Wicca: A Year and a Day

Registration for new students begins Summer of 2024!  Join Heron for online training along the Pentacle Path of Elemental Witchcraft.

Video classes accompany the lessons, rituals, meditations and spells in "Elemental Witchcraft: A Guide to Living a Magickal Life Through the Elements." Beautiful original music by Pranavam Das accompanies the meditations.

All the Magick is astrologically timed according to the Wheel of the Year. The ideal time to begin this self-paced course is around the High Summer Sabbat (Lammas/Lughnassadh) beginning of August.  

  • This 'Witch on Fire' has been casting a wyrd light on modern witchcraft through her Patheos Pagan Blog since 2015, sharing articles, rituals, poetry, and recipes. She teaches Modern Witchcraft through the stories of her personal experiences finding magick in everything.

    Read the blog >

  • For the occasional video discussing Modern Witchcraft, with demonstrations and inside peeks into Heron's personal practices, subscribe to her Witch on Fire YouTube Channel.